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3DS Web SDK Methods

Create Session

This method collects information from the browser on the background and sends it to the Basis Theory API, which then returns a newly created 3DS section.


import { BasisTheory3ds } from "@basis-theory/3ds-web";

const bt3ds = BasisTheory3ds("<API_KEY>");

const session = await bt3ds.createSession({ pan: "<TOKEN_ID>" });


The createSession method takes an object as parameter w/ the following attributes:

pantruestringThe Basis Theory token id for the card token to be used


The method returns an object with the following attributes:

idstringThe created session id
cardBrandstringThe brand for the used card (i.e. Visa)

Start Challenge

This method initiates the 3DS challenge process, if it was deemed necessary during the 3DS authentication.


import { BasisTheory3ds } from "@basis-theory/3ds-web";

const bt3ds = BasisTheory3ds("<API_KEY>");

const challengeCompletion = await bt3ds.startChallenge({
acsChallengeUrl: "",
acsTransactionId: "5236966c-62be-417b-8f66-dbec6d87911d",
sessionId: "9289231e-2c0b-4f38-92fa-dec3c586d58b",
threeDSVersion: "2.2.0",


The startChallenge method takes in an object with the following attributes:

acsChallengeUrltruestringThe URL for the challenge window. Available from the Authenticate endpoint response
acsTransactionIdtruestringThe ACS transaction id. Available from the Authenticate endpoint response
sessionIdtruestringThe created 3DS session id
threeDSVersiontruestringThe 3DS message version. Available from the Authenticate endpoint response
windowSizefalsestringThe code for the pre-configured window size. See Challenge Window Sizes


The method returns a Promise, with the following attributes, that is only resolved once the customer completed or cancelled the challenge:

idstringThe created session id

Challenge Window Sizes

WindowSize IDSize
01250px x 400px
02390px x 400px
03500px x 600px
04600px x 400px
05100% x 100%